Nursing Home Abuse Case Values
Nursing Home Abuse Case Values

The effects of nursing home abuse can be devastating. There are even instances when nursing home abuse can result in the death of a nursing home resident.
If you or someone you love has been the victim of nursing home abuse, it is important to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney.
Our attorneys will evaluate your case and provide you with an effective strategy to recover compensation. We will fight to ensure you are fairly compensated.
Nursing home abuse case values
Nursing home abuse cases can result in compensation through either an out-of-court settlement or a trial verdict. Many cases end with a settlement. A settlement is an amount that the defendant (the nursing home) agrees to pay the nursing home resident or their family members (the plaintiffs) in compensation for damages resulting from the abuse.
The defendant agrees to pay the settlement in order to avoid going to trial. Settlements are reached through negotiation between the parties involved. If you are represented by a skilled and experienced attorney, your attorney will fight to ensure that you receive fair compensation.
If a reasonable amount cannot be agreed upon during the negotiations, your attorney will file a lawsuit on your behalf. This will mean going to court and presenting your case before a judge and jury.
Your attorney will represent you in court and present evidence to support your claim. In a trial, the judge and/or jury will determine how much money you should receive as compensation. If the judge rules in favor of the plaintiff, the defendant must also cover court fees and attorney fees in addition to paying the victim compensation. Defendants prefer to avoid going to trial as they can be very costly.
Nursing home abuse case values can range widely depending on the circumstances of the case. A recent study showed that the average value of nursing home abuse cases is $406,000. This study included both cases that ended in out-of-court settlements as well as those that ended with a trial verdict. The values of individual cases however, vary from millions to hundreds of thousands.
Nursing home abuse values are often kept confidential. However, experienced attorneys use their experience and knowledge to determine the value of cases that clients approach them with. The average amounts for settlements range between $100,000 and $700,000. However, your attorney can negotiate for higher amounts depending on the circumstances of your case.
Trial verdict values are often much higher than out-of-court settlements. However, these cases can take a long time to resolve. The experience can be stressful and you are not guaranteed a win. Experienced personal injury attorneys only go to trial when a reasonable settlement cannot be reached. They will do their best to get you a fair settlement.
How Do Case Types Impact Case Values?
There are various factors that influence nursing home abuse case values. The type of case the victim chooses to pursue will have a big impact on the value of the case. Victims have the option to file different types of lawsuits when pursuing compensation for nursing home abuse.
· Breach of contract
These cases are filed when the nursing home fails to meet the terms of its contract with the nursing home resident or their family. For example, a nursing home resident can sue a nursing home for breach of contract if they failed to provide nutritious food in adequate amounts to meet the nutritional needs of the resident.
A breach of contract case can result in the patient or their family recovering the fees they paid the nursing home. These types of cases limit the amount that the plaintiff can recover especially if their insurance policies do not cover breach of contract.
· Tort cases
Your attorney will file a tort claim for wrongful acts that resulted in harm but are outside breach of contract. For example, you can file a tort claim if nursing home staff were negligent and this resulted in your loved one developing bedsores.
Tort claims often result in higher compensation amounts. This is because most nursing home liability insurance policies cover claims for neglect and abuse.
· Wrongful death
If a nursing home resident dies as a result of nursing home negligence or abuse, the survivors of the victim may file a wrongful death lawsuit against the nursing home. These types of cases attract high compensation. Values of more than a million dollars are common for wrongful death lawsuits as these cases often involve serious cases of abuse or gross negligence.
Learn about nursing home abuse case values
It is important to ensure that you get just and fair compensation when filing a nursing home abuse claim. Contact our law firm to have your claim reviewed by an experienced attorney. We will help you estimate the value of your claim.