Practice Areas / Workers Compensation
Workers Comp Attorney in Omaha NE

Why You Should Hire a Workers Compensation Attorney
Have you been injured while on the job? You may need to speak to a workers compensation lawyer. A workers comp attorney will fight to help you receive the workers’ compensation benefits that are due to you.
Workers’ compensation laws were created to provide employees and their dependents with financial relief in the event that they suffer work-related injuries or diseases. These laws were designed to enable employees to receive compensation without having to take legal action against their employers. Unfortunately, many employers or the insurance companies that represent them often deny employees the compensation that is due to them even when their claims are legitimate. This leaves employees with the extremely difficult challenge of navigating the complex appeals system.
Benefits of hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer
Hiring a personal injury attorney that is experienced in handling workers’ comp cases is an option that injured employees and their dependents ought to consider. There are many benefits of seeking professional legal representation.
1. They’ll help you navigate the claims or appeals process
Many people assume that collecting workers’ comp is easy. After all, the law designed the claims process to ensure that employees can navigate it on their own. However, many people that attempt to go through the process on their own soon discover that it is more complex than they had anticipated. Even claims that seem straightforward are often denied or given low compensation.
Whether you’re filing an initial claim or want to make an appeal, hiring a legal professional can help to navigate the complexities. An expert workers compensation attorney will have an in-depth understanding of the law. They will also have experience representing injured employees and their dependents. They will know how best to approach your claim to improve your chances of success.
2. Attorneys are expert negotiators
The claims process includes negotiation with employers or their insurance companies in order to agree on how much you should be compensated for your injuries. Insurance companies hire attorneys that handle the negotiations on their behalf. These attorneys have a lot of experience in negotiations as they handle hundreds of claims every year. It can be intimidating to face an insurance company attorney to negotiate your settlement.
Hiring an attorney will even out the playing field. An experienced attorney will know how best to approach the insurance company. They will use their negotiation skills and their knowledge of the law to fight for maximum compensation. They won’t cave in to pressure from the insurance company or fall for their bluffs. Hiring an attorney will therefore potentially increase your settlement amount.
3. Your attorney will help you secure long-term benefits
Are you planning to seek Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)? It isn’t uncommon for injured employees to only think of the here and now. You may be so focused on getting the workers compensation that you may not have considered how your settlement will affect any benefits you seek in the future.
Hiring an attorney will help you secure any future benefits you may be entitled to. Your attorney will ensure that the settlement agreement is worded correctly. This will prevent it from influencing future payments negatively.
For example, if you suffered work related amputation and are unable to return to work, you are eligible to seek SSDI. In some states, your SSDI payments will be lower if you receive higher than a certain amount in workers compensation. This is known as an offset. However, your attorney can help you maximize your benefits by ensuring your workers’ compensation agreement does not include hidden clauses that could result in lower future payments.
4. Your lawyer will represent you in court
While many worker’s compensation cases are settled out of court, some do end up going to trial. It can be costly, confusing and even distressing to try and represent yourself in court. Winning a trial is not an easy task.
An attorney will represent you in court. They have experience representing other clients in court. They also have knowledge of the local court system and will therefore know how best to prepare for your case.
5. They will do all the work
Workplace injuries can be traumatizing not just to the injured employee but also to their dependents. Seeking compensation on your own can add to the stress of recovering from the injury as well as the financial burden that it has placed on you.
Hiring an attorney will help to ease the burden. An expert workers compensation attorney will do all the work so you don’t have to. They’ll handle the paperwork and build the case on your behalf. They’ll hire expert witnesses, dig up medical records, file petitions and handle negotiations. You can therefore focus on your health and recovering from your injuries.
If you or a loved one has been injured while on the job, be sure to speak to a personal injury attorney to determine if you are eligible for workers’ compensation. Seek the assistance of a legal professional to enjoy the benefits outlined above.