Case Results

We work very hard for our clients. Here are just a few of our case results.
Frank Younes wins an $800,000 settlement for the estate of Danielle Harbison, who died in a Sarpy County jail as a result of acute alcohol toxicity. After regular fees, the money will be evenly divided between her two children and placed in a trust account which they will have access to when they reach the age of 18.
Justin High had a $2.6 million jury verdict for a client who was involved in a motor vehicle accident
Workers Compensation case settlement for $343,000 for a client who suffered a back surgery. Prior to hiring us he had a different attorney who told him his case was worth less than $50,000
Another workers compensation case settlement for $720,000 for the widow of a laborer who died of a heart attack while working in a field. This resulted in total compensation recovered for this family in excess of $810,000
Frank Younes had a $932,000 jury verdict for a client who was the victim of a shooting. He survived but with injuries and required several surgeries.
The firm obtained a $500,000 settlement for an individual that was welding mufflers and hurt her back.
We had a Workers Compensation case settle for $315,000 for a client who was a truck driver who was injured while unloading a truck full of mattresses and box springs.
We had a workers compensation case for a cement truck driver who suffered a back injury when he missed a step and fell getting out of his truck settle for $305,000 in addition to the amount he was getting paid temporarily during the pendency of his claim
Frank Younes settled a case for a gentleman who slipped and fell on ice in the parking lot of his apartment complex and broke his leg in the amount of $125,000
We settled another workers compensation case in the amount of $945,000 for an individual who lost 3 fingers on his left hand in a machine at work.
We also obtained a $285,000 settlement for a worker injury for an induvial who slipped, tripped and fell causing a back injury.
High & Younes attorney Justin High wins sole legal and physical custody for his client following trial in Douglas County District Court. Attorney High also obtained an order from the Court requiring the opposing party to submit to hair follicle drug tests prior to exercising overnight visitation.
Father obtained sole legal and physical custody of his four children in a divorce case. After gathering the necessary evidence to prove that the father was the more capable, fit parent, we presented the issue to the judge and won temporary and permanent custody for the father.
High & Younes attorneys successfully completed a Step Parent Adoption today. Congrats to the new happy family!
High & Younes attorney Frank Younes successfully obtains quarter million dollar settlement for his client a national corporation.
High & Younes attorneys successfully obtain settlement for its client in excess of $375,000.00 in an insurance dispute.
Client tripped and fell at work injuring her ankle and altering her gait which caused a back injury. We filed suit and prepared the case for trial. The case was settled a week before trial for $110,000.
Client who was a the victim of an vicious dog bite receives extremely favorable settlement.
High & Younes attorneys successfully obtain its Client a six figure summary judgment in an action to enforce a promissory note, thus providing the client relief without the need for a trial.
Client sustained a back injury resulting in a non-surgical strain. The employer denied the injury occurred and attempted to blame it on a decades-old prior injury that had not caused any symptoms for years. We filed suit and after conducting discovery, settled the case for $60,000.
Mother obtained sole legal and physical custody of her child
Client, a local small business, obtains a six figure judgment in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Iowa.
High & Younes attorney Frank Younes is successful at trial for the modification of a parenting plan winning the father sole legal and physical custody.