Practice Areas / Workers Compensation
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Do You Need a Work Accident Lawyer?
If you’re an employee and have been injured in a work accident, you may be entitled to workers compensation benefits.
While applying for these benefits seems easy, not all claims are successful. In fact, many legitimate claims are denied or the claimants are awarded a low amount in compensation. Some applicants give up. Some try to navigate the system on their own.
An expert workers compensation attorney will give you a better chance at getting the compensation that is due to you. Whether you’re filing an initial claim or want to appeal the decision made by your employer or their insurance company, hiring an attorney will be the best thing you can do for your claim.
What a workers compensation attorney can do for you
It isn’t uncommon for employers or their insurance companies to attempt to escape the responsibility of compensating employees for job-related injuries. Even legitimate claims that seem straightforward may be denied in an effort to avoid losses. Professional legal representation is crucial if you want to improve your chances of success with your workers comp claim. There are several things that an experienced and knowledgeable workers compensation lawyer can do to tilt the scales of justice in your favor.
They’ll gather evidence to build your case
One of the most common reasons why many legitimate workers compensation claims are denied is because of insufficient evidence. Even if your claim is approved with insufficient evidence, there’s a good chance that you will receive compensation that is well below what you truly deserve.
An attorney will help you gather the evidence you need to make a strong claim. Attorneys will gather medical records, arrange for treatment with the right physicians, seek expert medical opinions through independent examinations, seek statements from friends, family and even witnesses of the accident that resulted in your injury, request and examine police statements or work incident reports and much more.
An expert workers compensation attorney will know what evidence is required for your particular claim in order to maximize your chances of receiving maximum compensation.
They’ll negotiate the settlement on your behalf
Insurance companies, like any other business, are out to make a profit. They will do all they can to avoid suffering losses. It is therefore often the case that insurance companies will try to low-ball claimants. If you don’t understand the value of your case, you won’t know you’re being offered less than you deserve.
An experienced personal injury attorney will be able to estimate the worth of your case. These lawyers are skilled and experienced in the art of negotiation. They have experience dealing with insurance companies. They understand their tactics and tricks and won’t be intimidated. Your attorney will fight to ensure that the insurance company offers a just settlement for your injuries. You’ll stand a higher a chance of receiving maximum compensation if you hire an attorney.
They’ll structure your settlement agreement to protect your best interests
Are you eligible for other benefits such as Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)? You may be interested in seeking these benefits in the future. However, the wording on your settlement agreement may have a negative impact on your efforts in the future. For example, if your agreement is not properly structured, you may receive less than you are eligible to receive in SSDI benefits.
The law requires settlements to be approved by a judge. However, a judge can’t adequately protect your interests. It is essential to have a legal professional that understands your needs working to protect your interests. Your attorney will ensure the structure and wording of your settlement will be to your benefit in the long term.
They’ll represent you in a hearing or trial
Most workers comp claims end with settlements. However, a few proceed to trial or an administrative hearing. This happens when you are unable to reach a settlement. When this happens, it helps to have professional legal representation.
Your attorney will take witness statements, dig up medical records, carry out legal research, hire expert witnesses and write petitions or motions in response to the insurance company during the discovery process. They will build your case and argue it to the judge. They will examine witnesses, raise objections during the proceedings and make closing and opening arguments. An attorney will guide you through making an appeal to the decision of the court if you’re not satisfied with it.
They’ll advise you on other claims and benefits
A personal injury lawyer will not only fight to help you obtain workers’ compensation benefits but also other benefits that you are eligible for. Your attorney can help you make a claim against a third party, for example, whose negligence contributed or resulted in your on the job injury. You may be eligible to file a personal injury claim that is even more valuable than your workers’ compensation claim.
If you’ve been injured in a work accident, be sure to discuss your case with a workers compensation lawyer. Hire a personal injury attorney to increase your chances of success.