Practice Areas / Divorce
Divorce Attorney Omaha

Going through a divorce can be a trying experience. There are many decisions to make, many of which will have long-term repercussions. It is therefore important to have an experienced attorney guiding you and fighting to protect your rights throughout the process. While there are many divorce attorneys in Omaha, not all of them are right for your case. Finding the right lawyer will help you avoid a long drawn-out emotional battle. You will avoid wasting money and ensure your rights are protected.
Unfortunately, many people end up wasting a lot of money going from lawyer to lawyer in search of the right one for the job. You can spare yourself the hassle and expense by taking the time to find the right lawyer right from the start. The following tips will help you do just that.
Talk to people you know that have gone through divorce
A good place to start with your search for a divorce attorney is within your network of friends and acquaintances. Many of us know people that have gone through divorce. Although it can be an awkward conversation, it is worth talking to them to find out about their experience. These people can provide you with referrals to good divorce attorneys. They can also provide you with insight on what to expect during the divorce proceedings.
Decide what type of process you want to use
One of the most common mistakes people make in hiring divorce attorneys is going right to hiring an attorney without considering what they want from the divorce process. The problem with this is that the divorce lawyer you hire will play a major role in the direction your divorce takes.
If you’re getting a divorce in Omaha, you’ll have various options including mediation, collaborative divorce as well as litigation. If your goal is to have an amicable divorce, you should avoid hiring a shark of an attorney as they are likely to escalate the conflict between you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse. If you want to protect your rights and are in for a fight, you will need an aggressive attorney that can defend you in court.
Choose an attorney that practices family or matrimonial law
The divorce process is a complex legal process. There are various decisions that are made throughout the process. Many of these decisions will affect you for the rest of your life. There are also various factors to be considered in order to ensure the best outcome. Having an experienced attorney that understands divorce law will ensure your rights are protected.
It is important to hire a professional that specializes in matrimonial or family law. These professionals have an in-depth understanding of divorce law. They will know the best way to approach your case and be able to offer good advice when you’re faced with decisions to make. You will avoid many of the costly mistakes people make during a divorce.
Choose an attorney that you can afford
The divorce process can be expensive. A huge chunk of the expenses are lawyer fees. Many people end up using a large percentage of the assets they have received through divorce to settle their legal fees. It is therefore important to hire an attorney that you can afford.
Many people believe that hiring an expensive lawyer assures them of a better settlement or outcome. However, this isn’t necessarily true. Many attorneys that charge affordable rates can get you a good outcome in your divorce proceedings. You should therefore strive to find the best attorney within your price range.
Go for a local attorney
It is important to choose an attorney who is licensed to practice in Nebraska. However, you should take it a step further and choose one that has experience in Omaha. These attorneys will have experience with the local judges and officials. They also have a better understanding of how the local legal system works. Hiring a local lawyer will speed up your divorce, reduce your expenses and help to improve your chances of getting a good outcome.
Visit the attorney before you decide
It is important to meet the divorce attorney you’re considering for your case before you make your final decision. Your initial consultation is a great opportunity to present your case but also to learn more about the attorney.
How comfortable do you feel asking the divorce lawyer questions? Does the lawyer do their best to put you at ease? Do they take the time to answer your questions? Divorce is a sensitive issue. It is important to be comfortable enough with your lawyer to discuss sensitive issues that could affect the outcome of the case. What approach do they suggest to take with your case? Consider all the factors and determine whether the attorney is a good fit for your case.
If you’re in Omaha, Nebraska and are going through a divorce, get in touch with us. We’ll help ensure your rights are protected.